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Digitization level 3


On this picture you see the graphical explanation of the meaning of digitization level 3 and other terms connected with it. I use now the term ”run”, like everywhere in the literature, so no longer ”blocks” and ”sequences”.

Each digitization level, starting with level 1, has its objects and elements forming the objects. Object length is defined as the number of elements forming this object.

** For level 1 elements are pixels (or grid points, which can be interpreted as addresses to pixels) and objects are runs. Here we have runs wih length 1 and runs with length 2. The long runs never appear more than once at a time, so we call them single. The objects which occur in multiples (in this case the short runs) we call main.
** For level 2 elements are runs and objects are runs of runs.
** For level 3 elements are runs of runs, objects are runs of runs of runs. On this level the short objects (length 2) are main (THEY OCCUR IN MULTIPLES) and long (length 3) are single (THEY NEVER APPEAR MORE THAN ONCE AT A TIME).

Generally, the elements of one level are the objects of the previous one. Those objects are composed of all the mains from the previous level and one single.